The Call of the Flesh

History Women
3 min readFeb 25, 2024


Fourteen-year-old Mary was not like other villagers: thin, graceful, with a sly twinkle in her eyes. Count Ferrers could not pass by–the call of the flesh! He was seventeen years old, and he gave the girl a small silver ring. “You will marry me, won’t you?” The count asked his beloved. And she happily replied, “Yes!” Who would have thought that this sweet story, which began in the village of Ostri in 1839, would end in a high-profile trial seven years later…

Mary had always been an outcast in the small village of Ostri. She was not like the other girls her age — she was bold, confident and had a sly twinkle in her eyes that drew people in. But it was her beauty that truly set her apart from the rest. Her long golden hair cascaded down her back in soft curls and her eyes were a striking shade of emerald green. Many whispered that she was too wild, too untamed for a village girl. But Mary didn’t care, she was happy with the life she had in Ostri, surrounded by nature and her loving family.

But everything changed when Count Ferrers came to Ostri. He was a handsome young man, just seventeen years old, and he immediately caught Mary’s eye. She couldn’t help but feel drawn to him, and it seemed that the feeling was mutual. Count Ferrers was captivated by Mary’s beauty, her spirit, and her fearlessness.

It wasn’t long before the two of them began to meet in secret. They would escape to the nearby woods, where they would talk for hours, getting to know each other. Mary was fascinated by the count’s stories of his travels and his life in the city. And the count, in turn, was enamored by Mary’s innocence and her pure heart.

One day, as they were walking through the woods, Count Ferrers stopped and took out a small silver ring from his pocket. He presented it to Mary, a shy smile playing on his lips. ‘You will marry me, won’t you?’ he asked, his voice trembling with emotion.

Mary’s heart skipped a beat. She had never thought about marriage, but her heart told her that she couldn’t let this opportunity pass her by. She looked into the count’s eyes and replied, ‘Yes, I will marry you.’

The two of them sealed their promise with a kiss, and from that day on, they were inseparable. Mary couldn’t believe her luck — the handsome count had chosen her, a simple village girl, to be his wife.

But their happiness was short-lived. Seven years later, in 1846, their sweet love story came to an abrupt end when Count Ferrers’ family found out about their secret marriage. They were outraged that their son had married a commoner and threatened to disown him if he didn’t leave Mary and marry a suitable match.

Despite his love for Mary, the count succumbed to his family’s pressure and broke the news to her. Mary was heartbroken, but she knew that she couldn’t stand in the way of the count’s future. She tearfully agreed to annul their marriage, and the two of them parted ways.

But their separation was just the beginning of their troubles. The count’s family filed a lawsuit against Mary, accusing her of seducing their son and forcing him into marriage. The small village of Ostri was in an uproar, and Mary found herself at the center of a high-profile trial.

Despite her innocence, Mary was found guilty and sentenced to prison. She couldn’t believe the injustice of it all — she had only fallen in love, but it seemed that was a crime in the eyes of society.

Years went by, and Mary served her sentence, but she never forgot her love for Count Ferrers. And as fate would have it, the count never forgot her either. He had never truly loved anyone else and regretted his decision to leave Mary.

On the day of Mary’s release from prison, Count Ferrers was waiting for her outside the gates. He begged for her forgiveness and asked her to marry him once again. This time, there were no obstacles in their way, and the two of them were finally able to be together.

Their love had stood the test of time, and they were determined to make the most of their second chance. They left the small village of Ostri and started a new life together in the city, where no one could judge them for their love.

And as they walked hand in hand, Mary couldn’t help but think that their love story, though filled with pain and struggles, was worth it in the end. For it had taught her that love knows no boundaries, and when “the call of the flesh” is true, it can conquer all.



History Women

A History of a Woman's Life, A Historical Fiction, A Journey Through History, A Tale of Intrigue