“Give up, Russian!”

History Women
4 min readApr 18, 2024


Sasha sat in the small, dimly lit room of the village council. She fidgeted nervously in her seat, adjusting her skirt and blouse. She couldn’t believe that she, a simple peasant girl, had been called to meet with the chairman of the council. She had always been a hard worker, taking care of her family and studying as much as she could, but she never thought she would catch the attention of anyone important.

The door opened and the chairman, a stern-looking man with a thick mustache, entered the room. He sat down at his desk and looked at Sasha with a serious expression.

‘Miss Dreiman, I have called you here today because we have an important mission for you,’ he said in a deep voice.

Sasha’s heart skipped a beat. A mission? What could it be? She had never been on a mission before.

‘As you know, the Germans are advancing on our country. We need brave and intelligent individuals to join the resistance and fight against them. We believe that you are the perfect candidate for this task,’ the chairman explained.

Sasha’s mind was reeling. Join the resistance? Fight against the Germans? She had always dreamed of doing something important, something that would make a difference, but she never thought she would have the chance. She looked up at the chairman with determination in her eyes.

‘I accept,’ she said firmly.

The chairman nodded, satisfied with her response. He handed her a small envelope.

‘Inside this envelope is all the information you need. You leave tomorrow at dawn. Good luck,’ he said, dismissing her.

Sasha left the council building with a newfound sense of purpose. She couldn’t wait to tell her family. They would be so proud of her.

The next morning, Sasha packed a small bag and set off on her journey. She had to travel deep into the forest, where the resistance camp was located. It was a dangerous journey, but she was determined to do her part in fighting against the Germans.

As she walked through the snowy forest, she couldn’t help but think about her family. She hoped they were safe. She hoped they were proud of her. She missed them terribly, but she knew she had to focus on the task at hand.

Finally, she reached the camp. She was greeted by a group of tough-looking men and women, all of them armed and ready for battle. They welcomed her with open arms and showed her around the camp.

Sasha quickly became an integral part of the resistance. She used her knowledge from her construction college to help build and fortify the camp. She also proved to be a skilled fighter, using her strength and quick thinking to outsmart the enemy.

Months passed and the resistance continued to grow stronger. They were able to disrupt German supply routes and sabotage their plans. Sasha had never felt more alive. She had a purpose and she was making a difference.

But then, one day, everything changed. The Germans launched a massive attack on the camp. Sasha and her fellow soldiers fought bravely, but they were greatly outnumbered. The camp was soon overrun and Sasha found herself face to face with a German soldier.

‘Give up, Russian!’ the soldier sneered.

But Sasha refused to back down. She fought with all her might, using every skill she had learned. She was pushed and fell into the snow. But she got up again: barefoot, blue in the face. And her voice sounded again in the darkness: ‘Mothers, relatives, do you hear me?…’

Her plea was answered by the sound of gunfire. The resistance had received reinforcements and they were able to push back the Germans. Sasha’s bravery and determination had not gone unnoticed. She was hailed as a hero and her story was recorded by a war correspondent.

A few months later, the war was over and the resistance had emerged victorious. Sasha returned to her village, where she was met with cheers and applause. Everyone was amazed by her bravery and strength.

But the most surprising thing was yet to come. A few days after her return, Sasha received a letter from the war correspondent. He had written an essay about her and it had been published in Pravda, shocking everyone who read it.

The essay spoke of a simple peasant girl who had left her family to join the resistance and fight against the Germans. It spoke of her bravery, her determination, and her unwavering spirit. It became an instant sensation and Sasha became a symbol of hope for the people.

Years later, when Sasha was an old woman, she would look back on that fateful day when she was called to the village council. She would remember the journey she took, the battles she fought, and the impact she had on her country. And she would be proud of the young girl who had said ‘I accept’ without hesitation, and had become a hero in the eyes of her nation.



History Women

A History of a Woman's Life, A Historical Fiction, A Journey Through History, A Tale of Intrigue